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Take urban couture to a whole new level with Dior Replica Handbags. With it’s pretty in ensemble and sophisticated embroidery, no wonder that this unique pouch will attain its own popularity.
Dior’s Stardust line beautifully embodies and catapults the urban and couture spirit of fashion house to the celebrity status it now enjoys. If you’ll remember, we’ve already featured the Stardust pouches before, but now they come in smaller sizes.
This Dior Stardust Small Zipped Pouch has a unique charm of its own. It is beautiful, cute, and quirky all at the same time, thanks to the DIOR charm, which actually looks bigger if you compare it with the size of the pouch.
Beautified with different badges embroidered with rhinestones and sequins, refined with silver-tone jewelry and white rubber DIOR charms. The interior comes with 1 zipped pocket and 1 interior key ring. Measuring 11.5 x 8 cm and is priced €370 euro, £320 GBP, ?580,000 WON via Dior boutiques.
Want to know what’s cute? The Cheap Replica Bags Passport Holder is our latest crave. This stunning accessory was buried under Dior’s website and we thought it would be amazing to share it.
The Passport Holder is designed with the iconic Cannage Topstitching, which is an icon style of Dior. Then it’s adorned with a super cute bear on the front of the Passport Holder with glittery patch for a fancy touch.
Your travel days will be even more stylish with this Passport Holder. The cute bear will attract eyes wherever you go. Besides passport, you can also hold other small documents inside. This Passport Holder is also perfect for combing with rucksack.